最近”Sorry 有钱真的能为所欲为”GIF突然爆红网络,那种贱贱的表情,可以给人暴击
于是产生念头,自己做一个Sorry GIF的字幕合成器,嘿嘿
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#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os from PIL import Image def analyseImage(path): ''''' Pre-process pass over the image to determine the mode (full or additive). Necessary as assessing single frames isn't reliable. Need to know the mode before processing all frames. ''' im = Image.open(path) results = { 'size': im.size, 'mode': 'full', } try: while True: if im.tile: tile = im.tile[0] update_region = tile[1] update_region_dimensions = update_region[2:] if update_region_dimensions != im.size: results['mode'] = 'partial' break im.seek(im.tell() + 1) except EOFError: pass return results def processImage(path): ''''' Iterate the GIF, extracting each frame. ''' mode = analyseImage(path)['mode'] im = Image.open(path) i = 0 p = im.getpalette() last_frame = im.convert('RGBA') try: while True: print ("saving %s frame %d, %s %s" % (path, i, im.size, im.tile)) ''''' If the GIF uses local colour tables, each frame will have its own palette. If not, we need to apply the global palette to the new frame. ''' if not im.getpalette(): im.putpalette(p) new_frame = Image.new('RGBA', im.size) ''''' Is this file a "partial"-mode GIF where frames update a region of a different size to the entire image? If so, we need to construct the new frame by pasting it on top of the preceding frames. ''' if mode == 'partial': new_frame.paste(last_frame) new_frame.paste(im, (0,0), im.convert('RGBA')) new_frame.save('%s-%d.jpg' % (''.join(os.path.basename(path).split('.')[:-1]), i), 'PNG') i += 1 last_frame = new_frame im.seek(im.tell() + 1) except EOFError: pass def main(): processImage('sorry_1.gif') if __name__ == "__main__": main() |
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from PIL import Image,ImageFont,ImageDraw im=Image.open('./base/sorry-10.png') draw=ImageDraw.Draw(im) newfont=ImageFont.truetype('heiti.TTF',20) draw.text((120,140),'好啊',(255,255,255),font=newfont) #文字起始位子、内容、颜色、字体 im.show() |
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#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import imageio def main(): frames = [] for i in range(167): frames.append(imageio.imread("f-sorry_1-"+str(i)+".jpg")) #print("sorry-"+str(i)+".png") imageio.mimsave("out1.gif", frames, 'GIF', duration = 0.1) return if __name__ == "__main__": main() |